What is Business Personal Property? Overview

This guide will open your mind and widen your knowledge horizon on the concept of business personal property and every other thing you ought to know

Personal property can be owned by a company, just like it can be owned by an individual or a family. A business owns various forms of property than a person does. The tax difficulties that come with commercial property are also different.

A Personal property is a property owned by an individual or company that is transportable and not fastened to or related to the land. This property is everything that isn’t actual property (land and buildings).

Everything from a little stapler or calculator to a company-owned automobile or major piece of machinery is considered business property. It includes anything that isn’t “nailed down,” such as manufacturing equipment, office furniture and equipment, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and cars acquired and utilized by the company.

In general, everything that isn’t “nailed down.” On the other hand, personal property is moveable, but real property is not.

Your company property, which includes all of the assets within its walls, significantly influences how much money your company owes in taxes. Unfortunately, in property appraisals, this crucial factor is frequently disregarded.

This article defines the business’s personal property, talks about its types and insurance, and explains how business personal property taxes operate.

What Does Business Personal Property Mean?

Property tax is levied on real estate, such as land and buildings, as most people are aware. Some small business owners are unaware. However, property taxes also apply to business property.

Mobility is the feature that separates Business Personal Property from real estate. Property that is not attached to or a part of real estate is referred to as business personal property.

Furniture, fixtures, machinery, equipment, office equipment, and other items are examples of business personal property. Machinery, equipment, furniture, and other items utilized by a business and any property not actively in use, stored, or held for sale are all examples of taxable business personal property.

Firm Personal Property taxes, on the other hand, do not apply to business inventory or intangible assets like copyrights and trademarks.

Types of Personal Property

Personal property is divided into tangible, intangible, and listed.

1. Tangible personal property

Tangible personal property is defined as personal property that can be felt or handled. Vehicles, cellphones, machinery, tools, cables, pipelines, inventory, and jewels are all tangible personal property (and not just for businesses).

2. Listed property

A specific type of personal property is referred to as listed property. It consists of real estate that may be used for business and personal reasons.

3. Intangible personal property

Intangible personal property is defined as personal property that cannot be felt or handled. This property includes bonds, securities, CDs, and other intangible assets.

Impact of Business Personal Property on Property Taxes

The short form that firms complete every year for each jurisdiction is sometimes the sole attention companies pay to Business property. On the other hand, your business is in danger if you fail to fulfil personal property compliance standards or file erroneously.

The assessor will calculate your company’s personal property assessed value, impose fines and interest for late or incorrect reporting, and even deny a favourable Freeport Inventory Exemption. You’ve lost control of your tax liability at this point.

To reduce this risk, make sure your personal property assets are properly managed, documented, and reported. If you don’t meet up in this area, you may face higher commercial property taxes, putting your bottom line in jeopardy.

Obsolescence is a crucial aspect that affects your property and its business purposes. For commercial and personal property, obsolescence comprises all types of depreciation, including regular wear and tear, loss of functional value, and the influence of external factors. These final two types of depreciation might help you keep track of your company’s property value

Real estate assessments are needed to evaluate the market worth of the land and building. Business property is valued using a published depreciation schedule that accounts for wear and tear from purchase to filing. Many taxpayers are unaware that they have a legal entitlement to additional depreciation, which might help them lower their annual tax bill.

Make sure you’re prepared to document and claim further obsolescence of your property when you file your yearly business personal property return.

Business personal property insurance

Whether you own or rent your office, business personal property insurance is included in commercial property insurance. Because the goods you use to conduct your business are considered commercial property. They are unlikely to be covered by your homeowner’s insurance.

BPP insurance covers the cost of repairing or replacing lost, damaged, or stolen business property. Computers, furnishings, and inventory are examples of items covered.

A BOP frequently covers complete structures, permanently fixed fixtures, and the contents of the building, which is the fundamental distinction between business personal property insurance and a business owner’s policy. General liability insurance is also included in a BOP.

Company personal property insurance only protects the contents of your business premises, such as equipment, inventory, furniture, and any improvements you’ve made. Suppose you don’t own the building where your business is located. In that case, BPP (without a BOP) is the best option for covering anything inside the rented space.

Final Thoughts

If you haven’t already, it’s time to start putting time, resources, and effort into your personal property management. You’ll be better able to exploit your business’s personal property if you have an accurate depiction of your assets and a proactive plan to manage them.


  1. Is money a non-tangible asset?

Answer: Money is a unique type of property considered tangible property in certain legal systems and intangible in others.

  1. What is the distinction between private and personal property?

Answer: In Marxist theory, private property refers to capital or the means of production, whereas personal property refers to consumer and non-capital products and services.

  1. Is inventory and company personal property the same thing?

Answer: Every business owns furniture, fixtures, equipment, inventory, or other components that aid in the production of revenue. In many jurisdictions, this is considered company personal property and is taxed.

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