The Impact of IRS Hardship on Your Business Credit Score

In this business guide, we will be looking at the impact of IRS on business credit score

When it comes to running a business, managing finances is a fundamental aspect that cannot be overlooked. Many businesses, at some point or another, find themselves struggling with their tax obligations, which may lead them to consider applying for an IRS hardship.

While this can provide temporary relief, it’s crucial to be aware of its potential implications on a business’s credit score.

Impact Of IRS Hardship On Your Business Credit Score

This article delves into the effects of IRS hardship on your business credit score and sheds light on the intricate nuances every entrepreneur should be aware of.

1. The Basics Of IRS Hardship

Before understanding its impact on your business credit score, it’s vital to grasp what an IRS hardship entails. Essentially, if a business is unable to pay its tax liabilities due to financial distress, the IRS may allow it to be temporarily exempt from paying certain taxes.

To determine eligibility, one must check IRS hardship program to ensure they meet the specific criteria. While it may seem like a saving grace at the moment, securing an IRS hardship can come with unforeseen repercussions.

2. Immediate Impact On Business Credit

The moment a business is granted an IRS hardship, this status gets documented. Credit reporting agencies, while mainly focused on borrowing activities, can and often do incorporate public records, including tax liens or IRS hardships.

As a result, your business credit score might take an immediate hit, reflecting the financial instability that led to the hardship request in the first place.

3. The Perception Of Future Lenders

When a business applies for a loan or line of credit, lenders evaluate its creditworthiness. A history of IRS hardship can raise red flags, indicating that the business had previously faced financial difficulties.

Even if the hardship was temporary or due to unforeseen circumstances, the mere presence of it on your record could make obtaining financing more challenging or result in higher interest rates.

4. The Long-Term Effects

Unlike some credit activities that can drop off your record after a certain period, IRS hardships can linger, continuously impacting your business credit score. The long-term effects depend on how the hardship gets resolved.

If you pay off the outstanding tax liabilities quickly, you might see a faster recovery in your credit score. On the other hand, if the debt remains unresolved, it can result in a tax lien, which can further deteriorate your business credit standing.

5. Opportunities For Redemption

While an IRS hardship can negatively impact your business credit score, it doesn’t mean it’s the end of the line for your enterprise. Proactive steps can be taken to mitigate the damage and gradually rebuild your credit.

Regularly monitoring your business credit score, ensuring all other financial obligations are met on time, and working with financial advisors can help you navigate the path to recovery.

6. Alternative Financing Options

Given that traditional lenders might view your business as high-risk post-hardship, it’s worth exploring alternative financing options.

Crowdfunding, angel investors, or peer-to-peer lending platforms might be more accommodating and not weigh the IRS hardship as heavily in their decision-making processes.

7. The Importance Of Communication

When facing financial distress, communication is key. If you anticipate tax payment issues, reach out to the IRS before the problem escalates.

They might offer instalment agreements or other solutions that might be less damaging to your credit than a full-blown hardship.

Likewise, if seeking financing post-hardship, being upfront with lenders about the circumstances surrounding the hardship can sometimes work in your favour.


An IRS hardship can offer temporary relief for businesses grappling with financial challenges, but it comes with its set of consequences, notably its impact on your business credit score.

By understanding the potential repercussions and proactive steps to take thereafter, businesses can navigate the murky waters of financial distress and emerge stronger.

While challenges are an inevitable part of the business journey, knowledge and preparedness can make all the difference in how they’re tackled.

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