Top 10 Updated Lifestyle Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Would you like to share your expertise and knowledge in these areas by guest posting on lifestyle blogs? Your contribution could help change lives and also grow your business and blog at the same time, today I will be writing about lifestyle blogs that accept guest posts

Lifestyle blogs provide you with essential information which you would need in your day-to-day life. about healthy eating choices, diet, exercises, and the like.

If you’re into blogging and have insights to share about lifestyle choices and experiences, then this list of lifestyle blogs is ideal for you.

You may also wish to find popular lifestyle blogs in Nigeria

For those asking How do I find a blog that accepts guest posts you can simply search on Google, or I will recommend Writersincharge to you

Lifestyle Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Below are our picks for lifestyle blogs that accept guest posts

1.  Modern Life Blogs

Domain Authority: 35

How to Submit a Guest Post: Your Articles must be written specifically for this blog and meet the criteria of the guidelines.

Before starting work, please read the articles to familiarize yourself with the writing style and to avoid duplicating the content.

The article that you send should be original and informative. It should be above 500 words. You can also add relevant photographs along with your posts.

Additionally, they have detailed submission guidelines. We would recommend reading that. If you need more information, please browse through their website.

2. HellaWella

Domain Authority: 50

How to Submit a Guest Post: Do you have a passion for healthy living and want to share your unique insights with the readers of this site? If so, sign up for the newsletter to understand the subjects and writing style.

Follow the guidelines and fill out the form on the same page when ready.

3. Dash of Wellness

Domain Authority: 31

How to Submit a Guest Post: Browse through this healthy lifestyle blog to see the types of articles they publish. Your post should fit their bite-size health styles.

The list of topics they are looking for is on the Write for us page. You can also join their Facebook fan page and follow them on Twitter.

You can share your personal and/or professional health and wellness experience with this lifestyle blog. There are various categories where you can contribute, such as physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social and environmental.

They encourage shorter articles, not more than 500 words. You can pitch your ideas through email. Also, add a few of your writing samples and a link to your blog.

5. Aha! Now

Domain Authority: 45

How to Submit a Guest Post: Share your life lesson stories to help others. Familiarize yourself with the content by looking through the blog.

You can write about varied topics for this lifestyle blog, such as family and parenting, food and travel, health and wellness, life and inspiration, love and relationships, personal development, etc.

The article that you send in has to be original and within 1500 words. They prefer pitches instead of complete submissions.

Do read and follow the guest post guidelines to find out how to get your submission accepted. Read this page as well if you’d like to be published here.

6. Mind Body Green

Domain Authority: 79

How to Submit a Guest Post: Share a personal essay about overcoming struggles or achieving a major transformation in your life.

There are various topics on which you can contribute to this lifestyle blog, such as beauty routines, health, nutrition, parenting, etc. You can also share your personal stories.

The article that you would send in should be original. It should not have been published elsewhere as well.

The guidelines have a lot of information to guide you if you’d like to write for this site. Please read it thoroughly

7.  Everything Mom

Domain Authority: 44

How to Submit a Guest Post: This blog is about supporting and nurturing others. First, the team recommends you read this post from Copyblogger to get the most from guest blogging.

Next, check out their Business of Blogging on Pinterest. Finally, read their guidelines before submitting your idea for review.

8. Vkool

Domain Authority: 39

How to Submit a Guest Post: There is a wealth of information on the blog. Browse through to inspire your ideas, avoid duplicating content and check out the tone and style of the writing.

You can submit articles under various categories, such as food and health. nutrition, beauty, marriages, and relationships, parenting and families, lifestyle, etc.

Next, read the rules and guidelines for the criteria to get your submission accepted

9. Fearless Men

Domain Authority: 41

How to Submit a Guest Post: Help men grow by contributing excellent lifestyle posts.

This is a men’s lifestyle blog that covers content about self-development, fitness, finances, family and friendships, relationships, etc.

The article that you send in has to be original and within 500-1000 words. It should not have been published elsewhere.

You can add relevant photographs to your submission. Also, write a few lines about yourself as well.

Read the About page to connect with the objectives of this blog, then go through the guidelines and follow the suggestions before submitting your topic ideas

10. Savor

Domain Authority:  45

How to Submit a Guest Post: If you submit an original article like the ones published in the magazine, you’re more likely to get your pitch accepted – and possibly be seen by the media.

This lifestyle magazine covers a wide array of content. The article that you would send in should be original and within 300-500 words. It should not have been published elsewhere as well.

Read the guidelines to find out how to pitch successfully before writing your content.

11. Everyday Family

Domain Authority: 44

How to Submit a Guest Post: Share your story with over four million members by advising about a family lifestyle issue.

This is a family lifestyle blog that features content about preconception, pregnancy, baby care, parenting ideas, tips, etc.

That article that you are willing to submit must be original. It should not be published elsewhere as well.

You can also add relevant photographs. You need to fill up a detailed form if you want to submit guest posts.

Remember to read the brief write for us page and the guest post guidelines before submitting your ideas.

12. Soberistas

Domain Authority: 37

How to Submit a Guest Post: Share a personal story relevant to the women readers of the blog to encourage and inspire them. Check out the types of personal stories needed on the Write for us page.

After you’re familiar with the site’s contents, send an email with your personal story, book reviews or feature article.

13. Sweet Style

Domain Authority: 33

How to Submit a Guest Post: Share your knowledge in the lifestyle section, then head to the published posts for ideas.

You can send in your articles under various categories, such as fashion, style, beauty, and lifestyle. The articles that you would be sending should be original and within 500 words

Read and follow the rules and guidelines properly to get your guest post accepted. For more information, fill out the contact form.

14. Aspirant SG

Domain Authority: 34

How to Submit a Guest Post: You can avoid getting your post rejected by reading and following the guidelines.

You can contribute to various categories such as food, travel, lifestyle, etc.

The article that you would send in should be original and within 500 words. It should not have been published elsewhere as well. Also, add a few lines about yourself along with the submission

look at the content on the blog and study the writing style. Here are some examples of previously published guest posts to get you started.

15. HBCU Lifestyle

Domain Authority: 33

How to Submit a Guest Post: Please read some of the published articles to make sure you know how to write lifestyle posts for students of this college.

You can provide submissions on the following topics: college admissions, financial aid, college life, careers, etc.

The article that you would send in should be original and within 400-500 words. It should not have been published elsewhere as well. Also, write a few lines about yourself as well.

Read and follow the guest blogging guidelines, then submit your ideas on the Contact Us page.

Should I accept guest posts on my blog?

I generally recommend that you ask yourself a few questions first and if you can answer yes to all of them, then go for it.

Here they are…

  • Does the content being offered provide real value to your audience and improve the perception of your brand/blog?
  • What link/s does the guest author want in the article? Are they relevant to the reader experience and are they leading to reputable sites?
  • Is the author an authority on the topic? They should either work for a company that has authority on the topic or they should have other articles published on credible sites on the topic.
  • Is the content unique?
  • Will they help you share the final article?

So it all depends on you and the kind of blog you are running

Conclusion: Lifestyle Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Lifestyle blogs are the essence of our daily life. It educates us with informative and researched articles and also entertains us with interesting and insightful stories.

We hope that this list of 15 lifestyle blogs helps you find the right one for you to venture into the world of blogging. We wish you all the best. you could also check out other lifestyle guest-posting sites

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