Using Google Webmaster Tools for Search Traffic

Do you wish to know more about Webmaster tools for Google? Am sure as a blogger or website owner you must at least have come across this free Google tool for webmasters in this article I am going to share with you all you need to know about webmaster tools on Google and how to add or use them on your website

Do you wish to have more traffic to your website or Blog? Of course, I don’t need to ask you that question because every website owner or blogger desires to have massive visitors to his/her website

but before then let me through more light on the webmaster

Who is A Webmaster?

A webmaster is someone who creates and manages the content and organization of a website, manages the computer server and technical programming aspects of a website or does both.

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Alot of people spend money just to get traffic to their website but today am going to tell you about this webmaster tool you can use to drive organic search traffic to your site without even spending anything

What Is This Google Webmasters Tool All About?

This tool is called Google Search Console, If you have not heard of it before then you should focus your attention more on this article and read till the end to discover what am going to share with you

The tool has been around for a while, and it used to be known as Google Webmaster Tools, and Google Webmaster Central before it was later changed to Google Search Console

The Most Amazing thing About this Google Search Console is that it is free, you don’t need to pay anything before using it

Importance Of Google Search Console

Below are some of the amazing functions performed by this free tool

1. Site Health Messaging System

Search Console’s messaging system will alert you if the health of the website is compromised by malware or hacking. The message system also alerts you if important pages have been removed or if important pages are blocked by robots.txt.

2. Setting Up Preferred Country

If your website should only target visitors in one country, you can use this option to make Google aware of this. This will indicate to Google that the site should be delivered to viewers from that country and will affect its rankings accordingly.

3. Submit and Check a Sitemap

Sitemaps are important to Google because they show Google how to index your site. For smaller sites, you can probably afford to index every single one of your pages, but if you have a site filled to bursting with products, events, people, or posts, you’ll need to use an index to link several sitemaps together.

4. Set Crawl Rate

The crawl rate is how quickly Google will crawl your site for information. In most cases, you should use the recommended setting which lets Google optimize the crawl rate for your site. The main reason you’d want to set how often Google crawls your site is if you have server load or website speed issues and don’t want Google’s spider eating up bandwidth.

5. Robots.txt Tester

This tool tests whether your site has blocked Google’s crawler, which it shouldn’t. If robots.txt is blocked, Google can’t display your page in their search results. If that page is an important service page or even your home page, you’ve just accidentally forbidden Google from ranking you and putting you in front of visitors!

6. Internal Links and External Pages that Link to the Site

You can use this element as a tracking tool to see which internal and external pages have links, and you can track the performance of your outreach, social campaigns, and link-building initiatives every month. Broadly, this means that you can keep track of who’s pointing to you on the internet.

7. Crawl Errors

While broken links will not directly affect your rankings, they can both inhibit user experience and deny your site authority from another site. This tool allows you to see which link is broken, which error code the GoogleBot received when it was doing its crawl, and also to see where the broken link originated.

How To Add Google Search Console To Your Site

The first step to adding Google search console to your site is to create a free account with Google Search Console. Then you’ll need to verify that you own the site you’re going to analyze.

(Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to check up on your competitor’s sites with this tool. You must prove ownership to inspect a site.)

  • Start by clicking the “add property” button on the left-hand dropdown.
  • From there, just enter your site name. Remember that it’s a strict entry, meaning HTTP: and HTTPS: are counted as different sites.
  • Next, you’ll need to verify that you own the site. Google provides a few different ways of doing this.
  • The recommended method is to add an HTML file to your server. But you can also add a meta tag, edit your DNS settings, or connect to your Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager account.

My Site Is Verified So What’s Next?

Once your site is verified you’ll start seeing data on your website. Sometimes it can take a few hours before you see any data, but it’ll start showing up.

Once it does, you can use a few different tools to explore what Google sees—overview, performance, and URL inspection.

The overview gives you a rough overview of everything from what keywords you are ranking for to how much traffic you are getting.

In addition to that you’ll see if the Google bot is experiencing any crawl errors when going through your website, the number of sites linking to yours, and how many pages Google has indexed.

With Performance, you can see a more detailed breakdown of your site’s performance on Google.

Just like everything else, Google isn’t perfect. So configuring your site can help them do a better job of ranking your website.

When configuring there are a few areas that you should be familiar with

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There will be some pages on your website that you just don’t want Google to index. These could be private login areas, RSS feeds, or crucial data that you don’t want people accessing.

On the coverage tab, you can see a basic report of pages on your site.

It’s broken into a few categories—pages with an error, valid with warnings, valid, and excluded. You should try to have zero pages with errors or warnings.

The number of valid and excluded pages depends on what you’d like Google to index, and what you want to keep private.

By creating a robots.txt file you can block not just Google, but all search engines from accessing web pages that you don’t want them to get their hands on.

However, for highly sensitive areas of your website, you may want to consider password-protecting all relevant directories.

Through a robots.txt generator and tester, not only will you be able to create a robots.txt file, but you will be able to see if it is done correctly before you upload it to your server.

Here’s a simple generator from SEOBook.

It’s wise to do because the last thing you want to do is make a mistake and tell them not to index your whole website. If you accidentally mess up and find Google indexing pages that you don’t want them to index, you can request them to remove it through this section.


Sitemaps are a “table of contents” for your site that can help Google find every page on your site and understand its hierarchy.

Submitting a sitemap will help Google determine what pages you have on your website so they can index them. If you don’t submit a sitemap they may not index all of the pages on your website, which means you won’t get as much traffic.

Sitemaps have to be submitted in an XML format and they can’t contain more than 50,000 URLs or be larger than 10 megs.

If you exceed any of those limits, you need to split up your sitemap into multiple files and then submit them.

If you aren’t technical, you can go to XML Sitemaps to create a sitemap. All you have to do is enter the URL of your homepage and click “start”.

Once your sitemaps have been uploaded, Google will tell you how many of your URLs are being indexed. Don’t worry, it is common for them to not index all of your web pages.

But your goal should still be to get as many pages indexed as possible.

Typically if pages aren’t being indexed it’s because the content on those pages isn’t unique, the title tags and meta descriptions are generic, and not enough websites are linking to your internal pages.


Right now, the only option under “Enhancements” is “Mobile Usability.”Ideally, you’ll want every page on your site to work on mobile with zero errors.

Conclusion: Using Webmaster Tools for Google to Boost Your Search Traffic

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