Beginners Guide: Ultimate Blog Post Writing Format

Your blog isn’t a special star that shines brighter than the others. It’s another blog in a world where 160 million other blogs exist.

You need to change that and that can only happen when you learn how to write a blog post and also the ultimate blog writing format, Most of the people that come to your site will only do so once. They will come, scan the post, and leave. That’s why bounce rates are never 0%.

Today we are not just going to discuss not just How to write a good blog post but I am also going to share with you what I call the Anatomy of the blog post (Understanding blog post concepts)

If you are a newbie to blogging learning how to write a great blog post my advice is that you shouldn’t quit, but rather look for new ideas and innovations every day. There’s no doubt that blogging itself may not be remarkable but blogging for an interested audience is. consider my useful tips below

Beginners Guide: Ultimate Blog Post Writing Format

The following factors are the blog writing format you should always take notice of when crafting a perfect blog post

1. Select The Best Topic For Your Post

Don’t just start writing a blog post because you want to write you will get tired and left with nothing to write again, settle down for a while take a deep breath, do keyword research and find the best and least competitive keywords to blog for.

Your blog post should have an aim. you should be able to know what you want to arrive at and the message you want to deliver to your audience by the end of your blog post

I don’t blog blindly, I do keyword research before coming up with all my blog posts.

If you are finding it hard to get the right and low competitive keywords to blog about then I recommend Ubersuggest for You

Ubersugest is my best keyword tool because this tool gives you the best results regarding keyword difficulty. once you search for a keyword it calculates the keyword difficulty and gives you a percentage possibility score to rank for that keyword in case you are planning to use it in your blog post

Another exciting factor that has made me fall in love with this free tool is that it not only gives you results about keyword difficulty but it also gives you a view of blog posts from different blogs’ google SERPS ranking on that particular keyword from the 1st person downwards

Ubersuggest also provides you with related keyword ideas that are easy to rank for

How to write a blog post

So anytime you wish you write a blog post, just head straight to Ubersuggest and get the best keywords possible before proceeding with your posts

2. User Experience

Your Theme design is very important when it comes to writing a good blog post. If a person can’t take the time to read your blog post in a nice environment then they will quickly leave.

Nobody wants to be bombarded with distractions or having difficulty accessing your content. If your blog’s theme doesn’t provide a nice and clean experience then why should people stick around to read your post?

Always use you and in your blog posts to create than friendly reading environment otherwise it will lead to a passive experience and the whole thing is gonna sound boring and weird

Don’t forget to use subheadings in your blog posts because that also enhances easy readability

3. Content Still Remains The King

Blogging aims to write posts that satisfy the audience right? So what value will your blog have if your content or the information you provide doesn’t help to explain certain phenomenal, correct misconceived facts or lead to solutions to problems?

The bedrock of your content starts right from your niche. Choosing the wrong blogging niche in the first place is like studying mathematics instead of your usual course English

Don’t blog about what others blog, but blog about that which you know well about. you are more likely to do better with great content in niches relating to your area of expertise.

Blogging about what you are not passionate about or have knowledge of will make you get tired and sooner or later you won’t know what to write again and moreover before you know you will find yourself doing copy-and-paste blogging

4. Use Images In Your Blog Posts

It is no doubt that students understand better when the teacher uses diagrams and chats in his/ her teaching. this is no way far from blogging

A picture is the best way to create a positive first impression of your post. When your post is visually dull and lacks emotions, a lot of visitors will just leave your website without reading a word.

Visually attractive posts have more chances to create an emotional connection with readers. They look friendlier and more inviting to take action.

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Blogger vs WordPress

I always add featured images in all my blog posts because add some beauty and attractiveness to your title making the audience want to read more of your posts

5. Always End With A Conclusion

Imagine you are watching One sweet Nigerian movie and the movie suddenly ends on the way just like that without any good conclusion of the story and there is no continuation

Am sure you won’t hesitate to insult the producer down to the director of that movie for making you spend your time watching such a crappy movie

That is not far from blogging, your blog posts should always end with a conclusion this is going to create a good landing feeling after going through your blog post by your audience

Blog Writing Format (Anatomy of a Blog Post)

Below is a detailed explanation of the blog writing format you should consider when writing your blog pots, I call it the blog post Anatomy

1. Title Or Heading

Writing good page titles is an essential skill for anyone doing SEO. Why? Because the title tag is the first thing a user sees in search results, but it’s also one of the most important factors that Google uses to determine the topic of a page.

This makes titles essential to SEO and this article covers both why you need great page titles and how to create them.

It’s simply the heading of your blog post Its primary job is to tell visitors and search engines what they can expect from the web page (in the shortest way possible). But because title tags typically show up in the SERPs…

it is very important to always use killer title tags or headlines in your blog posts to attract readers’ attention Examples of killer headlines may be untold secrets to get adsense approval fast, how to increase your blog traffic without backlinks etc…

In the case of this blog post. our title tag is how to write a good blog post and understand blog post concepts. you should also try as much as possible to break your blog posts into subheadings to enhance the reading experience we have H2, H3 And H4 Title Tags

You should use The H3 tag more often in your subheadings

2. Slug

A slug is part of a URL that identifies a particular page on a website in an easy-to-read form. In other words, it’s the nice part of the URL, which explains the page’s content.

In this article, for example, that part of the URL simply is ‘slug’. it is that green text that appears just below the title tag in search results

The SEO benefit of a slug is that you can change the words to make sure that it has the words that you want to rank for. It’s one of the indicators Google uses to determine what a page is about. It’s also one of the things that people see in the search results

Blog writing format slug

You should try as much as possible to make your slug as short as possible but it shouldn’t be too short you should also avoid using dates in your slug because it kills SEO

3. Meta Description

The meta description is a snippet of up to about 155 characters – a tag in HTML – which summarizes a page’s content. Search engines show the meta description in search results mostly when the searched-for phrase is within the description, so optimizing the meta description is crucial for on-page SEO.

The purpose of a meta description for your page is simple: to get someone searching on Google to click your link. In other words, meta descriptions are there to generate click-throughs from search engines.

Search engines say there is no direct ranking benefit from the meta description – they don’t use it in their ranking algorithm. But there is an indirect benefit: Google uses click-through rate (CTR) as a way of working out whether you’re a good result.

If more people click on your result, Google considers you to be a good result and will – based on your position move you up the ranks. This is why optimizing the meta description is so important, as is optimizing your

Meta Description

A Good Meta Description Should Have The Following

  • At least up to 155 characters
  • Must be well written to Arrest the reader’s attention
  • It must contain the focus keyphrase
  • Should contain a summary of your blog post

4. Focus on Keyphrase

The focus keyphrase is the phrase that you want your post or page to be found for. This can be one single word, but it usually consists of a few words, which is why it’s called a key phrase. If you use the Yoast SEO plugin, you’re probably used to filling out your focus keyphrase.

If you want your blog post to rank for ‘healthy snacks’, you should optimize your post for that term. A focus keyphrase can be longer, though. For example, you could write an article about healthy snacks specifically for kids.

Or a post about healthy snacks to eat after a workout. These posts could be optimized for ‘healthy snacks for kids’ and ‘healthy snacks after workout’. These longer-focus keyphrases are called long-tail keyphrases.

Blog writing format focus keyphrase

There are different approaches to choosing a key phrase for your posts or pages. You can choose to optimize your article for a short, generic keyword. These are the more common key phrases that get a lot of search traffic but also have a great deal of competition.

A keyphrase like ‘Youghourt’ could be an example of such a keyphrase. A lot of people will search for this term, but there will also be many companies optimizing for this term.

You can also choose to optimize for a longer, more specific keyphrase, these longer keyphrases are therefore also called long-tail keyphrases. They get less search traffic, but will usually have a higher conversion value,

Using The Focus Keyphrase

  • Your focus keyphrase must
  • Be present in your title tag
  • Focus keyphrase must be present in the introduction of your article or blog post. and should be in bold text
  • It must be present in your meta description also, you should not over-optimize it to more than 3 times
  • The focus keyphrase must also be found in the slug
  • your focus keyphrase should be found at least 6 times throughout your blog post, it’s required that you bold the focus keyphrase at least once to tell Google this is the particular keyword you want to rank for
  • The focus keyphrase must appear in green
  • Focus keyphrase should contain between 3 to 4 words
SEO Visibility

After following up the above guide on blog writing format, this is what you should arrive at if you used the focus keyphrase well

Read Also: Advanced Technique To Write SEO Articles

Conclusion: Ultimate Blog Post Writing Format

How to write a good blog post should be the priority of every blogger and I believe in this article I have

explained and gave you some useful tips you need to know about how to write a good blog post and the important blog writing format

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