Adsense Not Getting Clicks? How To Boost 2025

Is your Adsense not getting enough clicks? We learnt earlier that getting Google AdSense approval could be very difficult because of their too many policies.

But after facing all it takes to get AdSense approved, some bloggers still complain of Adsense not getting clicks as desired.

I want to tell you about the little talked-about reasons why you aren’t getting a good amount of clicks despite your increased or regular quality traffic.

In this article, I shall be writing some Causes of AdSense not getting clicks and possible ways to resolve or fix them based on my experience over time with Google AdSense.

The worst thing that will ever happen to you as an AdSense publisher is having AdSense embedded on your website without getting clicks.

No matter the amount of traffic generated and the content quality, without getting unique clicks to your AdSense ads, earnings will always remain stagnant.

If you have been facing this issue of Adsense not getting clicks on your blog even when you offer quality content?. It’s said “Before you solve any problem, you must first of all figure out the cause of the problem”

Adsense Not Getting Clicks: Causes & Solution

Below are the possible reasons why your Adsense may not be getting enough clicks as you desire and also the solutions and strategies you can apply to boost your Adsense earnings

1. Your Ads Placement is Wrong

To get more clicks to your AdSense ads, you should also learn to place ads in more noticeable areas of your blog.

Ads placed below the fold sections of your site don’t usually convert because when your readers Begin to scroll down your site, they already lose engagement.

To get more clicks, Place your Ads inside your articles, before and after your articles.

With my personal experience, I have found out that ads placed in the middle of your blog posts convert more.

AdSense ads on sidebars don’t usually do well.

You can do your testing to see which position gets more clicks on your site. You can start by placing ads on every position and changing them every week or monthly. then you can structure out your best position after your testing….

Wrong AdSense placement can deprive clicks: Don’t place ads in areas where people cannot easily notice them.

2. You Have Low Website Traffic

A site with low monthly organic traffic likely doesn’t rank on the first page of Google results for key terms with strong search volume behind them. Without steady search engine traffic to fuel impressions, your AdSense ads won’t have enough opportunities to generate clicks.

Improving Google rankings and increasing organic traffic won’t happen overnight, but it’s necessary to drive qualified searchers to your website and ads.

Create High-Quality Content: Set up a weekly blogging schedule to talk about emerging topics in your industry, business promotions, and advice leveraging your expertise.

Produce content that doesn’t exist anywhere else, and promote that content through your social media channels.

As your site begins to acquire authority in your industry, through organic links to your content, social mentions, and a variety of other factors, you should begin to see improvement in traffic and placement in organic search results.

Improving search engine traffic and optimizing ad placement on your site is part of a comprehensive marketing strategy. Address these ad concerns with a multi-pronged approach, and you could see more clicks and added website revenue sooner rather than later.

3. Wrong Ad Placement

To get more clicks to your AdSense ads, you should also learn to place ads in more noticeable areas of your blog.

Ads placed below the fold sections of your site don’t usually convert because when your readers Begin to scroll down your site, they already lose engagement.

To get more clicks, Place your Ads inside your articles, before and after your articles.

From my personal experience, I have found out that ads placed in the middle of your blog posts convert more.

AdSense ads on sidebars don’t usually do well.

You can do your testing to see which position gets more clicks on your site. You can start by placing ads on every position and changing them every week or monthly. then you can structure out your best position after your testing….

Wrong AdSense placement can deprive clicks: Don’t place ads in areas where people cannot easily notice them.

4. Overloaded Ads placement

It’s not a new thing that newbies always get excited over new AdSense ads approval. This same excitement made many of them litter their blogs with ads whereby harmed their readers’ experience.

Too many ads on your blog will not even give your readers the comfort to stay on your blog let alone click on your ads.

It’s not too many ads on your blog that make you get more clicks. Write about what your audience wants to read. Get traffic to your blog. Place your ads strategically and the clicks will surely come.

5. Targeting a Different Audience

Let us say you created a niche blog based on technology and your AdSense ads are displaying Sports Gadgets. People who visit your blog are much concerned about technology so when they see sport-related Ads, they won’t click on your Ads.

Adsense has a way of picking and displaying niche-related Ads when you create content regularly based on your niche. But if your Blog happens to be displaying different Ads types that are not relevant to your targeted audience, you can adjust to that

6. Your Ads Are Not Mobile Friendly

Most of the visitors who read your blog use mobile devices. Now if you place your Ads on PC mode only, how can you get clicks to them when computer users rarely come?

Make your AdSense ads mobile-friendly by placing them in the best positions where mobile users can easily notice them. Ads that are placed for PC users don’t usually get clicks compared to the ones placed for mobile readers

7. Multi-Niche

muti-Niche bloggers usually target many subject areas leading to too many keywords targeting the same blog.

Google AdSense works with keywords on your blog to display ads based on them. When you Target too many keywords, your ads might end up displaying more irrelevant Ads to your audience which might not interest them.

Knowing the fact they can’t click your ads without finding interest in them, you will end up getting fewer clicks even with high traffic.

To avoid this, Focus your blog on one particular niche and target keywords around that niche alone.

Conclusion: Adsense Not Getting Clicks? How To Boost Your Adsense Clicks

If your only source of income is Google Adsense revenue, perhaps these tips will be helpful to you.

It is important to test various things and see what works best for you. For example, you can play with link colours and see which link colour combination is generating the maximum CTR, etc.

Feel free to share a tip which has worked well for you and has helped you to increase your Adsense revenue.

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4 thoughts on “Adsense Not Getting Clicks? How To Boost 2025”

  1. These are what most people do not know and yet want to start making the money immediately.

    In blogging, it important to know the basics.

    Nice one from you bro.

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