How To Become Zenith Bank POS Agent

Zenith Bank is one of the most promising banks in Nigeria, most people have the conception that it is a bank reserved for big men. If you are looking forward to starting a POS shop with Zenith Bank, this guide will walk you through how to become Zenith Bank POS Agent.

POS agents have been at the centre of Banks these days, we can agree that POS agents are people who run or operate a small POS business.

POS business is not a new business in town and even in the villages; there are POS shops sited across different streets in Nigeria.

In a recent article, we made an easy guide to becoming a GTBank POS agent in Nigeria. However, today, our focus will be on becoming a POS (Mobile Money) Agent with Zenith Bank.

Services you are required to render as a mobile money agent Account opening Cash withdrawal Cash deposit Funds transfers Bills payment Airtime purchase

  • Account opening
  • Cash withdrawal
  • Cash deposit Funds
  • Transfers Bills payment Airtime purchase

How To Become Zenith Bank POS Agent

Becoming a Zenith Bank POS agent is the right decision if you want to explore the POS business market.


Prospective POS agents who wish to become Mobile money agents must have the following

  1. An existing business outlet with a unique name
  2. Your business must have a physical geographical location
  3. Your business must have stayed for athletes 12 months
  4. The location of your business can be near a school, market, shopping mall, filling station or any business outlet with reasonable human traffic
  5. You should have a dedicated desk crewed for agent banking services.
  6. Also, you must have maintained a Zenith bank account for a minimum of 6 months

Read Also: Dotpay POS Agent Requirements

Documentation Requirements

As an agent, you could either register with a corporate or savings account.

For corporate accounts;

  • Proof of address; preferably a utility bill
  • A Valid ID card,
  • 2 most recent passport photographs
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • Memorandum and Article of Association (MEMART)

For individual accounts;

  • Proof of address,
  • Utility bill as well
  • Any valid ID card
  • 2 passport photographs

Interestingly, there is no registration fee, once you can get all these documents, proceed and download the App from the PlayStore.

Once the process is completed, you will be issued a POS free of charge, with which the transactions are to be consummated, while you download the agent app.

Additionally, you may need a working capital of 50,000 to get started, this is to enable you to attend to customers who may want to effect withdrawals or credit accounts from your POS machine.

How To Register As A Zenith Mobile Money Agent

Although registration is free, you can register as a Z-money agent by;

Zenith Bank POS Banner

Zenith bank POS banner

You will be given a free Zenith Bank POS banner on successful registration and approval for your business.

Zenith Bank Agent Banking App

You can download Z-Money Agent App directly from PlayStore

Benefits Of Becoming A Z-Money Agent

Before becoming a Zenith Bank mobile agent, you may wish to highlight the benefits you could stand to get and most likely compare it with other banks, and mobile money agents.

Below are some cool advantages of becoming a Z-money agent.

  • As a Z-money agent, you will receive extra income from carrying out transactions
  • You will also earn commissions for each transaction you make
  • The cash Management system; allows you to evacuate cash off your retail premises.
  • You are also given a chance to cross-sell your products and services to walk-in customers.
  • Zenith Bank is a widely known and trusted bank all over Nigeria. Becoming an agent will give you the edge to attract customers seamlessly.

Read Also:

How To Become An Opay Agent in Nigeria

Jumia Agent Registration Requirements

Nomba POS Agent Requirements

Conclusion: How To Become Zenith Bank POS Agent

In conclusion; Zenith Bank offers one of the best Mobile Moey services.

If you are planning on becoming a Zenith Bank POS agent, I hope this guide has given you insight on how to proceed with it.

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