Top Marketing Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

If you are looking for marketing blogs that accept guest posts then you are just here at the right time and place.

It is well known that Guest posting is an opportunity to increase traffic, grow your online audience, target new audiences, and build a relationship with other influencers.

In addition, you will improve your writing skills and understanding of the subject. However, finding the right place to submit your content can be tricky.

There are many businesses, entrepreneurs, and bloggers starved of advice on how to put together effective marketing strategies.

This is where you come in. Provide quality, practical, relevant, and beneficial content they can use to help gain new customers.

You can also check out the updated List Of Business Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

There won’t be any beating around the bush in this article! You’re here to get a list of the Top online marketing blogs like Incomery that accept guest posts and that’s exactly what we’re going to give you.

Marketing Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

Guest blogging is a useful tactic to get your content published and build yourself a name in the digital marketing industry.

Here, in the article, we have listed a list of high-quality blogs and websites that accept guest posts. So, let’s have a look

1.  GetResponse

Domain Authority: 87

How to Submit a Guest Post: If you have something of value to share, simply send links of your previously published articles.

Also, send a proposal of your topic and an outline. Fill in the form on the Write for us page and wait for a reply

2.  Content Marketing Institute

Domain Authority: 86

How to Submit a Guest Post: This post will help you create an ideal article for the audience of CMI. Read the blog and subscribe to the newsletter to get the latest updates.

The categories they’re looking for are on the guidelines page. After reading and following, email your ideas for review.

3. ClickBank Blog

  • Custom Rank: 89
  • Alexa: 305
  • Klout: 49
  • Engagement
    • Average comments: no data
    • Average tweets: 22
  • Difficulty:

ClickBank is one of the largest affiliate marketing networks online, and it also has a marketing blog that features guest contributors.

There aren’t any official guidelines though, and it can be very difficult to get published if you don’t know anyone who can make an introduction

4. KillerStartups

  • Custom Rank: 84
  • Alexa: 11,000
  • Klout: 54
  • Engagement
    • Average comments: 0
    • Average tweets: 7
  • Difficulty: STRICT

KillerStartups is the main “startup blog” on the web. Now, since the word “startup” doesn’t convey the site’s mission entirely, let me explain what it means in practice.

They simply publish a wide variety of articles that business owners can benefit from. And there are over 34,000 subpages related to marketing on this site.

To get started, first, go to Killerstartups. Then, write your article and email it to news [at] KillerStartups works similarly to a traditional publishing magazine,

which means that you need to send many pitches regularly for them to eventually pick one of them up. As long as you’re persistent, you will get published.

Once that happens, you’ll also get a precise publication date so you’ll be able to promote your article.

5.  Successful Blogging

Domain Authority: 50

How to Submit a Guest Post: Only one guest blogger will be accepted each month. To see if you qualify, send an email with a short two-sentence bio, a link to your blog and your proposed headline.

If you’re a good fit, Sue will ask you to write an outline. Read more about the guidelines here.

6.  We Build Your Blog

Domain Authority: 45

How to Submit a Guest Post: Write a minimum of 400 words. Your piece has to be unique, not published elsewhere and cannot be republished afterwards. Head to the guidelines for more information. Email your ideas for consideration when ready

7. Marketo Marketing Blog

  • Custom Rank: 81
  • Alexa: 3,600
  • Klout: 80
  • Engagement
    • Average comments: 1.8
    • Average tweets: 76
  • Difficulty:

This is one of the biggest marketing blogs out there, with every article getting a lot of shares on social media. The topics covered include various marketing trends and how to use them in practice.

Although there aren’t any official guidelines, some guest posts can be found on the site. You can try pitching the team through the contact page.

8. Smart Bloggerz

Domain Authority: 39

How to Submit a Guest Post: Go through all the guest posts already published on this blog, then read the guidelines about guest posting. 

Register as a contributor and if your article meets the requirements of the guidelines it will be published

9. Business 2 Community

Domain Authority: 81

How to Submit a Guest Post: Check out the top articles on the blog, then study the contributor’s guidelines. Next, fill out the contributor’s application form. But do read the general guidelines first.

10. The Future Buzz

  • Custom Rank: 73
  • Alexa: 116,000
  • Klout: 65
  • Engagement
    • Average comments: 5.8
    • Average tweets: 42
  • Difficulty:

This is a very popular digital marketing blog focusing on a variety of topics like blogging, PR, and digital marketing in general.

If you’d like to have your post featured, you should get familiar with two resources.

First: why we won’t run your guest post, and second (the official guidelines): Futurebuzz Guest Post

11. Famous Bloggers

  • Custom Rank: 65
  • Alexa: 20,000
  • Klout: 54
  • Engagement
    • Average comments: 18
    • Average tweets: 61
  • Difficulty:

Famous Bloggers is a community blog focusing on several main categories, one of them being marketing. The main advantage of guest posting on this site is that each entry gets a lot of reader interaction.

12. Birds on the Blog

  • Custom Rank: 62
  • Alexa: 110,000
  • Klout: 46
  • Engagement
    • Average comments: 2.1
    • Average tweets: 19
  • Difficulty:

An interesting small business blog run by women for women. It covers a wide range of marketing advice and other topics that a business owner can benefit from.

There are three main guest posting possibilities, depending on whether you’re representing an agency, PR company, or simply yourself. Everything is explained here:

13. Online Income Teacher

  • Custom Rank: 55
  • Alexa: 67,000
  • Klout: 52
  • Engagement
    • Average comments: 3.4
    • Average tweets: 8
  • Difficulty:

This is a fairly popular online marketing and make-money magazine.

The range of topics they tend to accept includes marketing your website, freelancing, using SEO as a marketing tool, and (most popular lately) doing email marketing.

To get started go to Online Income teacher

14.  Raven Tools

Domain Authority: 68

How to Submit a Guest Post: This blog wants case studies, best practices and tips from experts. Pitch your idea if it’s not listed on the guidelines page. After reading the guidelines, please email your article ideas for review.

15. MarketingProfs

Domain Authority: 81  

How to Submit a Guest Post: Here is an example of the types of articles published on this site. Your article may be edited to fit the house style.

The title could also possibly be changed, so send more than one. Read the detailed guidelines for more information, then submit your post by email to the senior editor, Veronica Jarski.

Conclusion: Top Marketing Blogs That Accept Guest Posts

After going through all the sites mentioned here as top marketing blog that accepts guest posts, do you have any questions or recommendations? Let’s discuss

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8 thoughts on “Top Marketing Blogs That Accept Guest Posts”

  1. Hi,

    I was hoping to write a blog post for your website, which shall benefit the both of us. I will provide you a 500-word blog that is relevant to your niche and in return, you can let me add a backlink within the body of the article. I pledge to deliver high quality content, which has not been posted anywhere else.
    If you find my offer reasonable, we may proceed. I look forward to hearing back from you. Have a good day!


    John Adam

  2. Sure I will be interested to add it to the list, Chris. You can send me a mail @ Legacybenjamin&

  3. Indeed, the listed blogs are “quality”.

    I also own a quality blog with a primary audience from the US that also accepts guest posts.

    Would you consider adding it?

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