10 Reasons You Are Not Getting Approved: Fix Your Site

Google Adsense would not approve an empty website or blog or misleading content and pages. If you have applied before severally and your site (account) is not getting Approved, this means your site does not meet the Google Adsense Requirements (New Policy).

Almost everyone knows that the Real Website link to apply for Google Adsense is Adsense.com.

requirements for google adsense

Now, it is not a secret that why you applied for Google Adsense is to earn more money from your site/blog and create another source of income online.

But, I would tell you that it is not as easy as before to get Approved by Adsense in their New Policy.

Do not get frustrated if you are Not Approved, there are other Adsense Alternatives that you can use like Propeller Ad Network and even other means of making money blogging as clearly stated below.

  • Affiliate Marketing.
  • Selling Digital Products.
  • Rendering Services Online.
  • Selling Physical Products And Services.
  • Coaching and Consultation.

So, why kill yourself trying to get approved by AdSense when after getting approved, you can easily get banned or receive ads serving limit and your account closed!?

If you Violate any of their Policies.

In this article, I am going to show you Why your Site/Blog is Not Getting Approved and How to Get your site ready for Approval with just 8 Posts, Less than 1k views (traffic) in 4 hours Or Less

10 Possible Reasons You Are Not Getting Approved By Google Adsense (New Policy)

  • Your Site Contains Scrapped Contents or Pages.
  • There are Duplicated Pages on your Site/Blog.
  • You have Misleading Information (Content) on your Site/Blog.
  • You Applied Too Early.
  • Unable To Access Your Site/Pages (Accessibility).
  • Your Theme is too Complicated.
  • Poor User Interface (UI).
  • No Engagement on your site (UX).
  • Traffic Source (Too much Bot Traffic) like Facebook Traffic.
  • Too Many Pop Up (Java Script).

I would categorize all these reasons into 3 main Problems and provide possible solutions.

Accessibility. Content. Engagement.

You can not Bypass these issues and get Approved by Google Adsense New Policy today.

I would give you some possible tips to solve this problem using the categories as I mentioned above.

You can ask your Questions in the comment section below and I would respond to you here.

Note: Using these tips is not a GUARANTEE that your site would get approved by AdSense, but would help you build a Successful Blog or Website.

Google Adsense
Attributes Of A Quality Website

Know your A.C.E before applying for Adsense

1. Accessibility By Google Adsense (New Policy)

Your site should be ready and live for public view and if you have any page that requires a Password to log in, temporarily remove the login page and add it after approval.

Also, ensure you copy and paste the right link URL of your site when adding your site to your account. Do not forget to place the code on the HTML header of your site and click “SUMMIT“.

<head>"Place Your Adsense Code Here" </head>

And Save.

To speed up your Approval, ensure your site is already connected to Google Search Console and Google Analytics to Verify Ownership fast.

You can only use Gmail to Sign up for Google Adsense, other email providers like Yahoo Mail and Yandex are not allowed.

Google Crawler would take some hours to crawl your site and know if it meets Adsense requirements and the best ads Category to place when fully activated.

Avoid using too many or sticky pops up now that you want to apply and keep a simple design easy to navigate and read through.

profitable Blog Niche Ideas

2. Content

Content is the key, theme design the beauty of your site like a Decoration, and it would keep readers checking more pages which would increase the engagement percentage of your site.

It is not a Must that you should have a very long blog post to be approved, here is what Google want and is looking for on your site.

Your content must be what people are actively searching for and must have a high search volume (monthly).

Why So?

As a Business, you want to get assets that potential investors would be willing to be a shareholder of. The same goes for Adsense.

Working with this tip here would help you avoid copying other people’s content, and try to create a unique way of communicating with your audience in your writing style.

Ensure to give credit when you borrow ideas from other sources and, probably, give backlinks to authority sites like Wikipedia or Niche Authority sites.

This would help Adsense crawlers to understand the category of your site quickly.

3. Types of Sites that Google Approves:

#1: Blog. #2: Forum. #3: Free Online Tool.

In Nigeria, Blogging was a hot cake before in the early 2000s and now Forums is the trending and hottest cake. The free online tools will always keep rocking.

No matter your site type, avoid scrapped content, misleading content and duplicated pages.

In General, your site should have Great Content that users love and Google would love you.

That would bring us to the final tip on getting your site ready for Google AdSense Approval

I really don’t want to end this topic but because of time I would just say a few more tips and advice, leave your comment, and we would discuss more here on this topic.

Communicate in the language your audience would understand.

4. Engagement On Your Site

When you hear Engagement, what comes to your head?


Yeah, you are correct.

To explain further, your message has to have a relation with your audience and make them want more and take action.

Here is a little secret I only share with my followers, Add an interlink of your best-related pages and use an anchor text title to make it clickable and attract user attention.

For Example:

Do not kill yourself trying to get Google Adsense Approval, there are many other ways to Make Money Online.

that was a killer text there.

Another guideline is to write content that readers would comment on and share with others on social media or forums.

Well, From my experience online there is NO ONE SECRET to getting Google Adsense especially now (new policy).

Summary & Conclusion

If you remember, we listed out some Possible Reasons Why Your Site is Not Getting Approved By Google Adsense and also emphasised how you should get a site ready before applying for Adsense next time or newly.

I also use an acronym that would help you remember what you have just learnt, using the A.C.E method to build a Successful Website/Blog which stands for:

A = Accessibility.

C = Content.

E = Engagement

There might be other Approval Factors, but these are the top and most frequently used Requirements.

Not to forget, there are 5 important pages they manually check or look after on your site.

#1: About Page

#2: Contact Or Support Page

#3 Privacy Policy Page

#4: Term And Conditions Page

#5: Disclaimer Page

Ensure to add them up and keep a Simple Theme, easy to navigate without redirecting to Spam sites that do not comply with the Google AdSense Policies.

Having a Problem With the Payment Method Not Showing

This Tutorial Class is trying to become longer than I expected.

If you have questions or additional tips, just add them in the comment section below, I will reply to you.

Good Luck!

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13 thoughts on “10 Reasons You Are Not Getting Approved: Fix Your Site”

  1. Wow nice one for you,it was indeed a great and excellent write up article from you to us,I will apply all the steps.
    And also please I would have love to ask, please which theme do you think is the best to use when applying for Google adsense on Fashion blog?

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