How To Reduce Your Blog Bounce Rate And Increase Traffic

Bounce rates are known to be main heartbeat of a content/page, just as the content quality is vital you must also be worried about your page bounce rate, today i am going to share with you how to reduce blog bounce rate.

Imagine you researched roughly on a content and you made up your own words about it then after putting up the post, you will need to check

how people are responding to the content, on noting this you found out that people are getting off or bouncing back quickly, which means something is wrong somewhere, instead of being perplexed you need to find a solution to clean up the mess.

What is Website Bounce Rate?

When a user or visitor lands on your website page but leaves the page in nothing less than 10secs thus not clicking on any other links he is said to have bounced back.

According to research, the highest bounce rate should have been 80% anything higher than that is bad, though when looking at great sites like Wikipedia they have a high bounce rate and it doesn’t affect their rankings on search engine results pages this is due to quick facts and statistics people only used them for.

How To Reduce Your Blog Bounce Rate

If you want to reduce the bounce rate of your blog then consider these few tips below

1. Loading Speed

Try making your website loading speed as fast as Usain Bolt, you can’t expect a user who desperately / hurriedly needs info to wait over a minute on loading your site where other competitors need clicks, This might even lower your ranking on search engines when your page ctr is low.

2. Write Comprehensive Posts

If a visitor finds what he needs or has been longing for on your website there is no reason for him to bounce off the page even though he will be interested in checking out other interesting pages on your site thus increasing your visibility rate on search engines.

Remove All Intrusive And Pop Ups Ads
Even as a webmaster whenever I load a page and it evolves into a big pop-up ad I will hit the back button immediately when other pages are hungry for clicks.

Those pop-up ads are not only unprofessional but also intrusive, you can’t expect a real website like Wikipedia to engage in using pop-out ads, this cannot only increase your bounce rate but also reduce your visibility rate on search engines.

3. Your Page Design

That might sound unnecessary but it’s a number one factor in reducing your bounce rate and maintaining user experience, imagine you used a black design and your text is blue this might not look appealing to the eye even if I site any bad design and I can’t read the words I bounced off the page at once.

4. Employ The Use Of Bucket Brigades

This might sound new right:

You will be wondering what bucket brigades is, its a phrase written intelligently by you to keep visitors

That sounds Impressive Right:

I knew you would notice I’m using words ending with a colon, thats a bucket brigade just like the one bolded above
Whenever you are writing content and you notice a part that might seem awful to visitors try applying a bucket brigade.
Below Are The List Of Bucket Brigade You Can Use You Can Also Try Yours

The Best Part Is:
Here is the Punch:
It Sounds Crazy Right:
Here Is The Deal:

Applying this method might thrill your visitor to keep staying on your page thus reducing that specific page bounce rate.

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5. Post Fresh Articles

Keeping your blog fresh, with the right content, will always yield Powerful content that may evoke a “wow” reaction from your readers, but it may not solve their problems. In contrast, the right content will wow them, but it’ll also give them actionable tips to implement and produce results for them.

Before Google added mobile responsiveness as a ranking factor, mobile bounce rates were about 60%. But, now that sites are displaying well on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, the bounce rate will improve (i.e., reduce).

If you are new to blogging, a simple WordPress theme with the right plugins will be your hero, because it is updated often and maintains responsiveness on the backend. Your job is to keep visitors responsive.

By consistently adding fresh content, you’re gradually building momentum and establishing trust. Remember that readers are very clever and can see through deceptive and manipulative tactics. But, they’ll also remember every action step that you take and the words that you use.

6. Optimize Your Meta Description

Meta descriptions are HTML attributes that describe what a particular web page is about. Search engines use meta descriptions to display a snippet of your web page, so that users can determine whether a particular search result is right for them, just by reading the description.

The optimal length for a meta description is 155 characters. If a web page description is longer, the remaining characters will not show in the search results pages. Instead, you’ll see an ellipsis (…) at the end. This may cause a higher bounce rate because people feel misled about your website.

7. Set Links To Open In New Tab

What this means is that every time a user clicks a link to an external page, they have to click the back button to come back to your site (assuming they decide to visit again – they may get distracted by the new site). This will decrease your page views.

And, if they visit four different external links from your tab, they’ll click the back button four times. This is time-consuming and annoying. It also increases both exit and bounce rates.

Conclusion: How To Reduce Your Blog Bounce Rate And Increase Traffic

Did you find any of these tips for reducing your bounce rate helpful? Share your experience below.

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